Independent in Indy

Sunday, March 12, 2006

To Date or Not To Date...

that is the question.

And let me just say that in the last few months I have done lots of dating, chatting, and hanging out. Below are the results from the last three dating experiences:

Guy #1 – Said he would call on two different occasions and didn’t. First time he needed time alone to think…um okay. Second time he was just too busy. So when he did call I was less than friendly. I felt as though the tone of my level of importance was already set.

Guy #2 – Amazingly sweet, romantic, smart guy. I wanted to fall in love with him. I really did. And I tried. But you can’t force feelings. He had the most awesome dog too. Why can’t our heads rule our hearts?

Guy #3 – Started out as good friends and knew we had amazing chemistry. Learned he was a relationship addict. Moved from one relationship to the next. Also learned his current relationship wasn’t completely over…definitely a deal breaker.

I have been frustrated, exhausted and sad from hurting people’s feelings so I recently decided to swear off dating for awhile. That is until I realized maybe it is all just bad timing.

We never pick who we fall in love with or when…it just happens. And if I give up on my search for real love I could be missing out on so many things – fun, friends, learning, and laughs – all the things that occur when you open yourself up to world of dating.

Dating is scary. It can be discouraging. But it can also be fun. And who knows this week, next month or next year just might be my time to find real, lasting love.


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