Independent in Indy

Sunday, May 01, 2005

Fighting Feedback

Reading Sean D’Souza’s post about Customer feedback got me wondering why companies fight feedback so much?

In my role as a marketing consultant, I always recommend that struggling properties complete a Customer survey to use as a feedback tool. I am always met with hesitation and resistance.

I have heard all of the following:

Won’t a survey make the community more aware there is a problem? An excuse because guess what…the community already knows there is a problem that is why your property is struggling.

What if they make recommendations we can’t accommodate? An excuse because if Customers are your first priority then you will want to accommodate them.

People do not have time to fill them out. An excuse because you can make the survey simple and give an incentive for filling it out.

This will just open the door for unhappy Customers to complain even more. An excuse because the unhappy Customer has probably moved their business elsewhere and has no real interest in helping you now.

Feedback from Customers is an opportunity to celebrate what you are doing right (great way to get testimonials) and improve on what you are doing wrong (before you go out of business).

So while you are thinking of all the excuses not to listen to what your Customers have to say, I would also find time to “beef” up your resume because I promise you one thing – you won’t be in business very long.


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